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you try to make as many points as possible by reading article,submitting polls and topics in forum by writting article and response to forum.
If one will remain in touch of boddunan he will surely get more success.
Get more points among all the people , you will be the member of the week

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

for becoming member of the week you going to compete with 9members of boddunan to reach the top by making lots of points by various activities.
you should get maximum points in the week and your name will be described in the leaderboard on the number one position.
you should active on leader-board. you should active in various activities like forum discussions.

Be positive
The more points you get you can be at the top position and finally you will be member of the week

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

work hard, keep posting and leave the rest to God. Your desire will be fulfilled.
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