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For articles there is no question of asking less than 60 seconds time limit as it is the far lesser time that you need to even read a single para of the article.

For polls you may not need 60 seconds to read the title but you will definitely need it at least for reading all options, voting and finally writing the comment. So why you are so much concerning about the 60 seconds time limit?

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

I came across lot of polls. Only some polls need 60 seconds. Many polls need 25 to 30 seconds. So we are concentrating on time limit.

Cool information and hot earnings @
ya.. rakesh is correct.. some polls can understand by question itself and it contains only two options and it is easy to comment within 30 seconds it should reduce time in posting comments on polls.........
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