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There lies the rub! If a government encourages transactions in black money its fight against would always arouse suspicion. Those who have knowledge working with tax departments know better how things are run!
What to do with black money?You cannot use it till it is black.

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The fact is that all the money irrespective of its color remain in circulation. Even the so-called white money too may not used and it is for the owner to decide to use it or keep it idle!
I will use black money for good reasons.Use it for poor people and their children education and health.

Be positive
I am a little surprised that some members have expressed their desire to do great things with black money!!! Use your white money for these causes!!
I am a little surprised that some members have expressed their desire to do great things with black money!!! Use your white money for these causes!!

I think they don't know what this black money is.

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