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Hard work and skill are needed to earn more money in Boddunan.
Work hard and take part in contests and rewards and write good articles. When you do these then certainly you have the chance of making fast earnings...
I completely agree with Gulshan! No shortcut is there and should be sought!
Article submission and voting and also active participation in forum.
Forum paricipation becomes meaningful when exchange of ideas take place to the advantage and pleasure of all!
[quote]Forum paricipation becomes meaningful when exchange of ideas take place to the advantage and pleasure of all! [/quote]

Ditto!!! To which I may also add that unless there is something more to say about the topic, then only a particular thread may be answered. If its totally irrelevant, then it becomes annoying for others!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Working Hard is the only trick in boddunan which can earn only with money easily.
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