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To see the video is itself shocking, the direct experience ! Can't imagine.

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I haven't seen any accidents like that but have heard a lot like that.
I saw some number of times. But one of it my own family members one. I cant forget it. My family and some other relatives are travelling in qualis . that is coming down from thirumala. suddenly qualis wheel became loose and it came out and went away. the driver didnt stop the engine and he went back of the wheel. and the qualiss is moving slowly near the edge of the hill. In few seconds the qualis will fallen from the hill. The remaining relatives who are coming the bus have came and stoped the engine and saved us. At that place nearly 20 busess have been fallen itseems. We are really lucky by gods grace

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

i have seen two accidents in front of my eyes . one when an auto hits a girl's activa when she was waiting for lights to be green and other when a bus hits a bike rider .
I have seen 2 infrönt of my eyes and 1 by my experience

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I have seen a number of accidents so far in my life and believe me most of those accidents were because of carelessness either by the injured themselves or by the carelessness of others who have been responsible for the injury!!!
I did not seen big accident but after accedent i seen dead bodies. Accedent is not good thing.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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