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By discovering different things.Know your world by different angle. Be curious to know what ever you can. Experiencing varieties will help to know this world.

Want to make each day Accountable

Read maximum articles of your interest and keep yourself updated with the current affairs.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
you can take help of different books and various other sources to know about the world.
nothing to do all you have to do is just spend 6 hours daily on boddunan site and answer all question you will get know all in seconds

Move out of your level of comfort and spent sometime with different kinds of people and ask them about their opinions about matters of concern. Next by being close to the needy and helpless you will come to know about the different shades of life. Communicate with people of different cultures and find out what they think about this world. Finally share your experience with us by writing a beautiful article in this site and I assure you we will be there to read it out and comment on it friend!!!
Curiosity is best way to learn many things in the world.

Curiosity=Knowledge + Wealth.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

You can learn from your surroundings an with the elders experience
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These days Sashikanth has been putting his answers in equation forms! Good!
we can learn about world by our practical experience that is by moving in world

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think google website is best to learn fast its covers all site information and details of your topics.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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