How to learn more about this world and think effectively?
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Only a spirit of inquiry and healthy curiosity can help one learn more about the ways of this world!
Curiosity of knowledge can give you enough source to know the world.

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You can always learn from the surrounding and from the human sufferings and try your innovative ways to over come it.
You can read good books, Notice your surrounding atmosphere and human beings.

Be positive
You may learn by traveling, reading and internet surfing. Effecting thinking involves unbiased and positive attitude.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Sources are almost endless.Even if we look at the silent working of nature we can learn so many things!
We may learn more about this world by refusing to learn anything about 'other world' which is illusion whereby so called religious schoar says that this world is illusion.

Whatever you know and experience is this world only. Keen observation, experience- personal and others, books, internet are source of knowledge about world.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

we use internet as a media to learn more about world.
By listening to others experiances,elders speech,good books ,we can learn more about this world and think effectively.
We have to explore ourselves.Books and others are just sources to enrich our thoughts!
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