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In whatever way one can relax himself or herself that's important.If one truly loves doing something which gives tremendous pleasure one can ward off these negative thoughts which produce depressive tendencies!
Depression is the type of psychological problem it should be treated immediately otherwise this may end in suicide....
if you have a hreat faith in homself and have a willpower you will overcome from depression.
depression is the main problem of people in all over the remove depression you should have positive thinking about yourself and don't take much burden of work on your mind.
depression has become a main problem in this busy life to over come from this we must divert our mind by going to meditation clasess this is best one to over come this

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Reading motivating books from great authors, visiting psychiatrist meeting with good people living for food reasons and by talking to them who have defeated many hardships coming in their path.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
If it is very serious depression medical supervision is necessary or else one have to divert there mind by doing things they like.
Depression has a very slow development and early detection and remedial action should be taken at the earliest to avoid serious consequences!
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