How to overcome from depression?
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Listen fast music and have a bike run at 100kmph....
depression is the negative thinking of mind which supposing the bad results that may or may not true.
To overcome depression one should keep away from being alone and try to mix with people and have some good time...Try to go for a healthy and active lifestyles....
It's a curse of our modern and stressful living and there are different kinds of it.While the milder ones can be managed by oneself, one must take professional help for severe ones!
laugh at any time make them happu and free from the depression.
Depression results from frustration of expectations. When expectations are abnormally high, this will happen. What is important that expectations should be reasonable and capable of accomplishment. Failure and success are part of life and these must not cause depression or euphoria. The very realization that if not at top, he is also not at bottom will remove the depression.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes, think about your positives, do things that you enjoy doing most and the rest will happen for you in no time.
Not to think negative. Think positive. Engage yourself in work that you like. Make your busy that you don't think much of past. Music listening or singing also relief from depression.

Want to make each day Accountable

Looking at the state of affairs of the world nobody is free from it but it 's the degree which needs to be looked into.I have observed that particularly those are lacking in flexibility of minds suffer most in this regard!
There are many reason to overcome from depression for me.

Playing with children, Listening good music, Reading books, Watching T.V.

Be positive
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