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My dedication is good.I am also hardworking. I am cool minded.

Be positive
There are many good qualities in me, but I am confused which one to share,
I am very honest and sincere two of my many good qualities

Thats really great and the way you present yourself is really funny and interesting.Thanks...

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
This is my weakness..I am not very punctual, but I will try to become like you.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
That is apparent from your photograph..along with the above two qualities you can achieve the pinnacle.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
I have helping nature and dont expect it back which maybe good quality.I am not certain whether that quality is good or bad. :unsure:
Surely our good qualities are to be shared to make others aware of them.

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I believe in continues work till the target is achieved. teaching is my hobby. it is kind of my quality.
Dear Rajani,
You have got very good quality of not expecting something back. I will try to put it into my habits.Thanks

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
I help everyone. even to an unknown person also.
I am sincere , honest and hard worker and even smart work also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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