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i think the media is hyping this issue, its just a viral fever that comes to everyone.
Rajnikanth is truly a superstar and i too hope for his speedy recovery... Hope he gets well soon....
i think the media is hyping this issue, its just a viral fever that comes to everyone.

Media are going beyond limits.

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media is uplifting society
don't blame media
it media works..
take care
I am a Coder and Blogger.
Currently pursuing my engineering degree and will be a software engineer in 2013..
Its good to hear that rajnikanth is safe now. Hope he come home very soon.

Want to make each day Accountable

RajniKanth hospitalised for exhaustion problem now got released from hospital and the directors are looking to shoot with him from june onwards....
We hope that he get well soon. Thanks for sharing this news.

Want to make each day Accountable

The illness was so silly.But our media made it great disease !!

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Rajnikanth admitted to private hospital for 'various check-ups'
Rajanikant is Hero so Hero will return soon with best fight with fever or life and get back soon

Santosh Kumar Singh


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