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Hi friends,
Its over 2 years old Boddunan community. And we are still looking for the first one to register..
According to my knowledge..
First was the admin mr.nagarjun..
Next few members in the list were testing purpose registrations..
Thn comes Maverick..
Thn comes few inactive members..
Thn comes me n other valuable members..

our community is growing at a steady rate.. Its just tat we are together that makes us different.

does it really matters who is first or last in the line?

"Let us consider Atul Barapatre as senior most member of the site. "...Why Maverick is side benched?

maverick is the webmaster and hence different. Atul Barapatre is first active member.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Atul has already stated who was the first member but its no sense as he is not active...
I think !
First member is administrator

Be positive
"Let us consider Atul Barapatre as senior most member of the site. "...Why Maverick is side benched?

maverick is the webmaster and hence different. Atul Barapatre is first active member.

OK Gulshanji.Atul had cleared it.

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