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Hello Saubhagya Das,

Using right words at right places, being careful about spelling and grammar and following most modern styles in writing is all about English.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Hello Saubhagya Das,

You need to concentrate on that all described in my previous message.

For that always type on MS Word and keep correcting mistakes following the interactive Word software. Once the content is fine then only post it.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Hello Saubhagya Das,

I have visited your blog:

For attracting visitors you need to have an attractive look of your blog. It should have proper composition, color combination and size / color / style of the fonts that you use on your blog.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Hello Saubhagya Das,

If you want you may visit my blog "Discover Life" - and if you like anything in it you may take tips out of it.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Hello Harish,

A small suggestion. You have posted three messages below within in a time span of 5 to 10 minutes. You could have put all the three in a single message. Sometimes it is not feeling good to read repeatedly the same lines. For eg. Hello Saubhagya Das, and - Harish Jharia are repeating three times.
Hello Meean,

For keeping myself on line I keep writing messages and post it right there.

Thereafter if I feel something else to write for the question to answer, then I will type another message and post again. By doing this i do not do anything unfair.

But, as you have pointed out the addressee and my name is repeated... for that I do agree and will stop writing the same as I do not want to do anything that irritates other members.

I do not repeat any message or copy from some other source. I wanted to make my messages decorative, yet, if that irritates others then I have decided to post messages without composing them

Thanks for our wise advice.

Harish Jharia
I strongly feel that it is a good practice to post as many contents as possible for the benefit of the users who ask some quwstion.

On the other hand the more the contents posted the richer will be the knowledge bank.

It is like a library that gains volume and prized variety possession by addingon to the stock of books, periodical, and newspapers etc.

By posting such huge messages I post them in piecemeal because users avoid reading bulky and boring messages.

Harish Jharia

But this practice of posting replies one by one in different windows really irritates readers.As a senior member and pointing out many fakes you must think about other visitors of the site also.

I had posted a discussion in this regard and I think you hadn't read it.Your response not seen there.Then and there itself Meean put forward the word fight that may occur.

As you directs many to read your article I request you to read this discussion.

Visit my blogs:
Here there are different users working in different ways.

You get irritated with my piecemeal posts and I am not feeling so very comfortable with your this message.

Yes, I have not opened your thread a link to which you have provided because I didn't find its title so very interesting.

Anyways thanks for announcing the things that irritate you. I will keep all these irritants in mind for future.

Harish Jharia
Yes, you might not be interested in this discussion.But saying the title not interesting is very very silly.OK, you keep them in mind for future.

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