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Well, you can always read the google official blog(link mentioned above) for any algorithm changes. And for SEO, read SEOMOZ and SEOBOOK.
Nice to see ARun back again to give a very important uppdates which no one knows..Thanks for that ARun..

I have a doubt regarding SEO policies..DO all search Engines follow same standard policies of GOogle or do they have different policies regarding keywords and dulpicate content etc. :)
I think SEO is trick to bring traffic to your website and blog. Use good keywords,nice title and better quality is first tips of SEO. backlinking ,bookmarking is another tips

Santosh Kumar Singh


Thanks Arun for your valuable inputs related to SEO. :) :) :)
To achieve better search rankings in the search results you can use scores of various techniques by using The basic fundamental SEO tips

Rajani K wrote:
[quote]Nice to see ARun back again to give a very important uppdates which no one knows..Thanks for that ARun..

I have a doubt regarding SEO policies..DO all search Engines follow same standard policies of GOogle or do they have different policies regarding keywords and dulpicate content etc. :)[/quote]

I am happy to be back too and nice to see you Rajani. And I guess I have never told you that I really like your profile pic a lot.

And now to answer your doubt, not all search engines follow same policies. Every search engine has it own algorithm.

But all SEO experts focuses mainly on Google as google own more than 70% of search engine market.

And be it any search engine, hosting duplicate content on your site is not a good idea!!
nagalakshmi.karunanidhi wrote:
[quote]Thanks Arun for your valuable inputs related to SEO. :) :) :)[/quote]

I am blushing...and I am always ready to help!!
I can share my understanding on SEO.

To make optimization better and efficient and faster, whenever search query is fired to the database, various algorithms are used. Like for Google, algorithm named as "PageRank" is used. Using this algorithm, pages are ranked according to the search texts are entered on "Google" search webpage.
Abhishek Dua wrote:
[quote]I can share my understanding on SEO.

To make optimization better and efficient and faster, whenever search query is fired to the database, various algorithms are used. Like for Google, algorithm named as "PageRank" is used. Using this algorithm, pages are ranked according to the search texts are entered on "Google" search webpage.[/quote]

Without meaning to be rude, I totally disagree with your post.
For a article, to be ranked high in search engine it is necessary that you use your keyword in title,url,body text,tags and get some high quality backlinks.

Previously, PR of a site was attached a little weightage(not more than 10% in any case), but recently google has completely detached it.
Arun Jain wrote:
For a article, to be ranked high in search engine it is necessary that you use your keyword in title,url,body text,tags and get some high quality backlinks.


Thanks for this information.

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