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your answer is good, but there are some problems which we can not take easy.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I too don't support forgetting problems. Vivekananda said, Stand up, Be Bold, Strength is life and Weakness is Death. Everybody in this world face some problems that become threatening to peace of mind but the only right option is to think slowly and take a wise action. Sitting and trying to forget won't work.
Forgot problem ? it is not a easy task first off all..and life doesnt have any meaning if we dont have problems or face it is better to find solution for handling them or just do something that we love to do...
There are some problem which we cannot find solutions that easily.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I completely agree with Rajani that there can be no fun in life if there isn't any trouble. :)
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