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yes, it also one use. Finally ginger is good for good health.Everyone should make a habbit of having it everyday.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Ginger eases aches and pains: Study

) Eating ginger can help ease muscle pain caused by heavy exercise, says a latest research.
Ginger root has been used as a household remedy since centuries for a variety of ailments, such as cough and colds and upset stomach, but now the study has revealed that ginger is particularly good for staving off muscle pain, reports

Professor Patrick O’Connor, of the University of Georgia, who led the research believes this remedy can be better than consuming painkiller drugs.

“Anything that can truly relieve this type of pain will be greatly welcomed by the many people who are experiencing it,” he said.

The study showed daily ginger intake reduced the exercise-induced pain by 25 percent. It is known to contain chemicals that work in a similar way to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen and aspirin.
Decrease muscle pain by eating Ginger Everyday !

One of the main ingredients is Indian food is Ginger root. Fresh ginger root is a part of many Indian dishes, so I am very familiar with it. I also like to make ginger tea which is great for digestion.

Ginger in its many forms Recently I read about a new study published in The Journal of Pain , by researchers at University of Georgia which showed that that daily ginger consumption eases muscle pain by 25 Percent. In particular muscle pain that is caused by exercise.

While ginger had been shown to exert anti-inflammatory effects in rodents, its effect on experimentally-induced human muscle pain was largely unexplored, stated Patrick O'Connor, a professor in the College of Education's department of kinesiology. Dr. O'Connor wanted to see if heating ginger had an effect on its pain-relieving effects. He looked at how these two forms of ginger had an effect on muscle pain in this study.

O'Connor along with other collaborators directed two studies examining the effects supplementing with two types of ginger on muscle pain: 11 days of 1) raw ginger and 2) heat-treated ginger.

Participants in the studies, 34 and 40 volunteers, respectively, consumed capsules containing two grams of either raw or heat-treated ginger or a placebo for 11 consecutive days.

On the eighth day they performed 18 extensions of the elbow flexors with a heavy weight to induce moderate muscle injury to the arm. Arm function, inflammation, pain and a biochemical involved in pain were assessed prior to and for three days after exercise.

The studies showed that daily ginger supplementation reduced the exercise-induced pain by 25 percent, and the effect was not enhanced by heat-treating the ginger.

"The economic and personal costs of pain are extremely high," said O'Connor.

"Muscle pain generally is one of the most common types of pain and eccentric exercise-induced muscle pain specifically is a common type of injury related to sports and/or recreation (e.g., gardening). Anything that can truly relieve this type of pain will be greatly welcomed by the many people who are experiencing it."
The health benefits of ginger root oil can be attributed to its digestive, carminative, expectorant, antiseptic, analgesic, anti inflammatory, stimulating and aphrodisiac properties. These benefits of ginger oil include its ability to treat stomach problems, nausea, heart strokes, indigestion, inflammations, respiratory problems, menstrual disorders, etc.

Ginger is a commonly used spice, which has originated in India. The spice is very common in India (known as adrak in Hindi) and China and is now used all over the world. It forms an integral part of many Asian cuisines due to its digestive properties. It is especially helpful in digesting food items such as meat, and poultry and is added while cooking meat as it softens the meat. Ginger root and ginger oil are also used as preservative and flavoring agent.

Ginger oil is obtained from the root of the herb Zingiber Officinale. The peculiar hot taste and pungent taste of ginger can be attributed to the presence of an acrid compound called Gingerol. Most of the health benefits of ginger are due to Gingerol.
The health benefits of ginger root oil include the following:

Stomach: Ginger root and ginger oil is often used for stomach upsets. It is one of the best remedies for indigestion, stomach ache, dyspepsia, colic, spasms, diarrhea, flatulence and other stomach and bowel related problems. Ginger or ginger oil is often added in numerous food preparations, especially in India, as it helps in improving digestion. Ginger tea is also used for relieving stomach problems. Further, it increases the appetite of a person.

Food poisoning: Ginger is antiseptic and carminative. As a result, it can be used for treating food poisoning. It is also used for treating intestinal infections and bacterial dysentery.

Nausea and Vomiting: Research has proved that ginger root and its oil is also effective against nausea, motion sickness and vomiting. Usage of ginger may result in reduction in pregnancy related vomiting as well in women.

Heart: It is strongly believed in China that ginger boosts and strengthens your heart. Many people use ginger oil as a measure to prevent as well as cure heart diseases. Preliminary research has indicated that ginger may be helpful in reduction of cholesterol levels and prevention of blood clotting. With reduced cholesterol levels and blood clotting the chances of blockage of blood vessels decrease thereby reducing incidences of heart strokes.

Respiratory: Since ginger root and ginger oil is a good expectorant, it is effective in various respiratory problems such as cold, cough, flu, asthma, bronchitis and breathlessness. Ginger is very effective in removing mucus from the throats and lungs and hence it is often added with tea in India. The health benefit of honey and ginger in treating respiratory problems is well known.

Inflammation and Pain: Extract of ginger is often used in traditional medicine to reduce inflammation. Research has now proved that its anti-inflammatory properties can be attributed to the presence of the substance named Zingibain. It is analgesic in nature and reduces pain caused by muscle aches, arthritis, rheumatisms, headache, migraine, etc. Ginger oil or paste of ginger is often massaged on aching muscles to remove muscle strain. It is further believed that regular use of ginger leads to reduction of prostaglandins which are the compounds associated with pain. Hence ginger helps in pain relief. Recently a few Chinese researchers have reported that ginger is effective for treating inflammation of the testicles.

Menstrual Problems: Irregular and painful menstrual discharges can be treated with ginger.

Malaria: Ginger root and ginger oil is also effective against yellow fever and malaria.

Stress: Ginger oil, being an essential oil is stimulating and therefore relives depression, mental stress, exhaustion, dizziness, restlessness and anxiety.

Impotency: Ginger is helpful for men’s health as well. Since ginger root and its oil are aphrodisiac in nature, it is effective in removing impotency and treating premature ejaculation.

Kidney: It is also believed that ginger root juice is able to dissolve kidney stones.

Hair: Ginger is useful for hair care as well. Usage of the juice of ginger is useful in controlling dandruff.

Cancer: According to the American Cancer Society, preliminary research on animals has shown that ginger may be useful in treating cancer through chemotherapy.

It should be noted that ginger oil is very strong and therefore it should be used carefully.

Ginger oil blends well with many other essential oils including lemon, cedarwood, lime, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium, rosemary, sandalwood, patchouli, myrtle, bergamot, rosewood, neroli, orange and ylang-ylang.
Ginger can be used in raw as well as dried form. Raw ginger is thermogenic, anti-flatulent, appetiser, digestive and a powerful laxative

Very useful information given. Thanks for sharing this information.
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