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Any wine can be injurious if taken to much so it is good to take it moderately. :)
Wine spoils not only teeth, it spoils whole body, reputation and finally lives.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Wine Sulfite Side Effects Sulfite, also known as sulfur dioxide,If sulfites are a problem for you

Having wine is better than having alochol,But both wine and alochol are harmful to human beings.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

nagalakshmi.karunanidhi wrote:
[quote]This would be a shocking information for all people who consume white wine. ;) .But still I could not get the difference between white and red wine.[/quote]


Difference Between Red and White wine

Red Wine vs White Wine

Red and white wine have numerous similarities and differences, but the differences are possibly less noted among the general population. Both red and white wine are made from grapes. The general process that is involved in the making of wine is the preparation of grapes, the adding of yeast and then the allowing of fermentation. This process is possible because of the specific balance of chemicals in grapes.

Red wine is made from red grapes and other dark-colored grapes. The pigment of these grapes causes the resulting red coloring. In the preparation of red wine only the mashing of the grapes is required in the preparation for fermentation. This allows the yeast to reach the pulp inside the grapes. Red wine has been proven and is suspected to provide a number of health benefits. Among the most notable is the presence of a chemical called resveratrol. Resveratrol has been shown to provide both cardioprotective and chemoprotective effects in animal studies. Resveratrol is produced naturally by the grape skins with the exposure of the yeast.

White wine is produced by the fermentation of white grapes that have been mashed, and dark-colored grapes that have been prepared by removing the skins, pulp and seeds. This preparation method can result in fewer skins in the prepared vat as it ferments. As a result, white wines may have fewer of the beneficial chemicals that red wines have been proven to have. This may result in less positive health benefit from the consumption of white wine. Each wine is considered to be best suited to accompany particular foods based on flavor. Red wines and white wines have markedly different flavors and individual wines within the white or red classification may have noticeably different tastes as well.

Wine in general has been proven to have greater health benefits than other alcoholic drinks. Though moderation is important when consuming wine because it has higher amount of alcohol compared to beer and other alcoholic beverages. Wine is made from other plants including fruits and rice, etc.
Very useful differences shared by Neetu. HOpe Nagalakshmi reads these details.
scientists compared the erosive effects of eight red and white wines from Germany, France, Italy and Spain on the enamel surface of extracted human teeth.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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