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While in sun, try to hide your face from sun light. Even if you have a really pretty face, it will not be smart to show it off in sun. Put on a good sun screen, put on some good sun glasses and a hat which covers the maximum of your face from sun.

- Drinking a lot of water and eating fresh food is good for your skin. Do not eat dead food; that is food which is not really fresh. Eating a lot of vegetables, nuts and drinking lot of water will increase the shine on your skin.

- Try to stay relaxed always. Even the best cared for skin will show your level of stress on your face. You have to indulge in some thing which is your passion, be it shopping or going for a walk. Outside world can read what is in your mind from your face.
Tips on Care of Skin:

* Never ever go to bed with the makeup on. As, if the make up remains overnight then it seeps into the pores of the skin and clog them, giving rise to acnes, pimples and other rashes.
* Wash your face as much time possible with a good quality soap. A mild herbal face wash is best for the purpose. Especially, after you return from somewhere, never forget to wash your face. Even if you do not get much time, still make it a point to wash the face at least twice a day.

* Following a daily routine of exfoliating your skin is a must. When you are washing the face before going to bed at night, exfoliate the skin with a scrub. The scrub should be as delicate as your skin and the process should be done gently. Sugar mixed with oatmeal act as a great exfoliator.
Tips on Care of Skin:

* Mashed banana, papaya and avocado, plain yogurt are nice options for having a face pack. Although one must always be sure about their own skin type and then use the face packs, as all the ingredients might not prove to be useful for each and every skin type.
* The face should be kept hydrated throughout the day. Take water in a sprayer and mix few drops of essential oils such as, chamomile or rose and spray over your face whenever you get the time. Do not rub it of after you spray. This is a way which tone up the skin to a great extent.
* Always treat your face gently. Do not ever pull, tug or scrub the skin of your face. This will prevent the skin to get damaged and will also delay the process of ageing.
* Always eat lots of fresh fruits, as this provide immense nourishment to the skin and drink lots of water as they drain out the toxins from your body, leaving the skin glowing and smooth.
thanks to neetu jain for sharing this information, its really important to take care of our skin..
Skin care is a burning issue among the youth of present generation.

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