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Please explain in detail what are the the points that has Double meanings in my post. If you feel that there are double meanings in my thread, well that is your point of view for which you are entitled.


sir i don't say to you i was saying about  --as  sir posted the pic in which i think that double meaning was written 

bhuyali saroj

Any how Whosoever You  expressed your opinion. I can reply to any forum members opinion.


bhuyali saroj wrote:

sir i am sorry but i think you had shown us something which has double meaning am i right sir . the poster which you pasted as some wrong or double meaning in it,i might be wrong sir but i think it has some wrong or double meaning it 


I agree, it may sound double meaning to kids like you :) 



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Sir i am sorry if i hurt u its was my opinion i am really sorry if it hurts u 

bhuyali saroj

bhuyali saroj wrote:

Sir i am sorry if i hurt u its was my opinion i am really sorry if it hurts u 


No sir it certainly does not hurt me a bit. Why should it hurt me but I can see it disturbed you since you found it double meaning but the message is straight for anyone who knows the meaning.

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