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Good. This is how we can discuss. I will see them first. Only then I express my opinion.

unsuccessful desires and sudden death makes ghosts

Ghosts are the creations of mankind's fertile imagination. They do not exist in the real world. No one can prove their existence because they do not exist.

Ghosts are the products of your own unfounded fears and wild imaginations.

We have some predefined images and ideas of ghosts in our mind, created by our own imaginations. They are supposed to be the spirits of people who have died with unfulfilled desires. So it is related to a life after death. We don’t have even complete knowledge of our present life. Then how do we know anything about the life after death?   

Life after death, near death experiences, premonitions etc are paranormal aspects which scientific community refuses to accept. But on one side efforts are on to verify the facts about ghosts and other similar aspects.

rambabu wrote:

Video is not opening. But I can say your fears make the ghosts. They are the products of your unfounded fears.

Truly ghosts are the manifestations of our fears. They exist when we think they exist. It is just our internal belief which is represented externally.

Life is like a boat in a sea, there is a lot to learn, so never close your mind to your limited experiences!

I don't believe on ghosts they are just a fiction we have made.

epraneeth77 wrote:
rambabu wrote:

Video is not opening. But I can say your fears make the ghosts. They are the products of your unfounded fears.

Truly ghosts are the manifestations of our fears. They exist when we think they exist. It is just our internal belief which is represented externally.


Mind is a monkey they say. It makes you imagine wildly which are baseless. Control this Monkey. Don't allow this monkey to make you a slave. Rather make it your slave.


Ghost is the mental representation os some haunting incidents, so it differs from person to person. Very difficult to justify could not ignore it.

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