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It is also a fact that Bank statements and account details can be used as identity proof in many places.The only hitch is that it should be a nationalised bank, SBI rates the highest followed by Bank of Baroda and other banks ....

I did not use the Bank account as my identity proof because my bank was Nationalized. Earlier I was an SBI customer. There I was not satisfied with their customer relations. They take much time to cash my cheque even it's a local cheque.

I agree that SBI and other nationalised banks provide pathetic customer service but being part of government , having an account with them helps in giving us an easy identity proof while applying for anything ..

Of course, I agree with you. I use other documents like PAN card, ration card and Aadhar for my identity proof.

Aadhar and Ration card are of course fine, but Pan card can be used only for financial transactions since there is no address on it annd for those who do not possess Pan card or Aadhar Bank account details provides the identity proof since address and all other details are provided in it..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It is also a fact that Bank statements and account details can be used as identity proof in many places.The only hitch is that it should be a nationalised bank, SBI rates the highest followed by Bank of Baroda and other banks ....

I did not use the Bank account as my identity proof because my bank was Nationalized. Earlier I was an SBI customer. There I was not satisfied with their customer relations. They take much time to cash my cheque even it's a local cheque.

I agree that SBI and other nationalised banks provide pathetic customer service but being part of government , having an account with them helps in giving us an easy identity proof while applying for anything ..

Of course, I agree with you. I use other documents like PAN card, ration card and Aadhar for my identity proof.

Aadhar and Ration card are of course fine, but Pan card can be used only for financial transactions since there is no address on it annd for those who do not possess Pan card or Aadhar Bank account details provides the identity proof since address and all other details are provided in it..

I use one of them. Mostly my Ration card serves my purpose. Some organizations are satisfied even with my electricity bill. I use them according to the other organization 's demand for identity proof.
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