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11 years ago
Life would be rather dull if there were no adversities ! Just imagine being stagnant in life, there is nothing more painful or boring ! I would rather go through life as a challenge rather than get bored..
Me too! :cheer: There is more fun in getting your feet muddy and scratched by thorny branches than walking on sleek, concrete roads! :)
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
11 years ago
Adversity cannot stop an individual unless he himself take a pause.
Thank you said by: chinmoymukherjee
11 years ago
Adversity cannot stop an individual unless he himself take a pause.
Adversities are the part of life. You cannot avoid them. The only thing you can do is learn your lessons and move on.
Thank you said by: chinmoymukherjee
11 years ago
What if life would become a bed of roses and there's no sort of adversity remaining. Will it not be easy?
11 years ago
What if life would become a bed of roses and there's no sort of adversity remaining. Will it not be easy?
Imagine eating only sweets day in day out.It's on comparison only we know the merits and demerits of a thing. Akin to this unless you taste adversity, you will not know the value of Happiness.
Thank you said by: chinmoymukherjee
11 years ago
Not only we, in fact most of us in our day to day life eat sweets comparatively to a very little amount. Like wise, happiness too is very short lived. Most part of our life we carry forward with pain and trouble and happiness is enjoyed by us only in glimpses.
Thank you said by: chinmoymukherjee
11 years ago
Not only we, in fact most of us in our day to day life eat sweets comparatively to a very little amount. Like wise, happiness too is very short lived. Most part of our life we carry forward with pain and trouble and happiness is enjoyed by us only in glimpses.
It's in your hands to make happiness lying with you. Be contented with what you have. Live a simple life and be helpful to your fellow humans.Happiness will never desert you.
11 years ago
If happiness lies within us then why don't man enjoy adversity the way he enjoys his good times. Why don't these two terms become inseparable and man should never be able to differentiate between them. He should never be able to answer what is he facing happiness or adversity.
11 years ago
Life would be rather dull if there were no adversities ! Just imagine being stagnant in life, there is nothing more painful or boring ! I would rather go through life as a challenge rather than get bored..
Me too! :cheer: There is more fun in getting your feet muddy and scratched by thorny branches than walking on sleek, concrete roads! :)
Exactly Kalyani ! I feel that we perform better when there is pressure and know that there are difficulties ahead and take things for granted. Either way, we can never be over confident in life...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
Thank you said by: chinmoymukherjee, Kalyani Nandurkar
11 years ago
sadness ends then comes happiness, but some times I think if there is always happiness then sooner one could feel bored of, is it same as that of sad neess similarity can poverty learns the lessons of life, paupers cannot celebrate life as only celebration is plate of foods. They cannot celebrate life, only rich and happier have too much of time to celebrate life,
Thank you said by: chinmoymukherjee
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