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There is nothing new, law is always manipulated by by moneyed and powerful people as they can influence lawmakers/keepers by different ways.

A smart law breaker always looks for flaws in the law, which are plenty. Most of our laws are filled with flaws.
There is nothing new, law is always manipulated by by moneyed and powerful people as they can influence lawmakers/keepers by different ways.

A smart law breaker always looks for flaws in the law, which are plenty. Most of our laws are filled with flaws.

They can twist the whole law according to their own designs, most lawyers are experts in such jobs at every level.

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There is nothing new, law is always manipulated by by moneyed and powerful people as they can influence lawmakers/keepers by different ways.

A smart law breaker always looks for flaws in the law, which are plenty. Most of our laws are filled with flaws.

They can twist the whole law according to their own designs, most lawyers are experts in such jobs at every level.

Some CAs are so intelligent that they have shown thousands of crores of rupees as legal in Jagan Reddy’s illegal assets case.
There is always a chance that any law could be manipulated and misused like with dowry harassment cases, some of which were fabricated. Similarly here too there is scope for such a thing to happen, so what they need to do is make it as foolproof as possible, that is the best that can be done because loopholes will always be there !

So I hope you agree that if any one gets bribe in cash or in kind or sexual gratification, this is not a case of sex offence but corruption and should be accordingly dealt with.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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