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In my opinion trust is what is important in the relationship once its broken its hard to maintain relationship further. Also one has to have a compromising nature to strengthen relationship.

yes you are right trust is precondition for any relation. but some misunderstandings creates. Up to one level damage relation may be improve with dilouges.

Not every time some time if we lose trust relationship may get spoiled even after the discussion it all depends .
In my opinion trust is what is important in the relationship once its broken its hard to maintain relationship further. Also one has to have a compromising nature to strengthen relationship.

yes you are right trust is precondition for any relation. but some misunderstandings creates. Up to one level damage relation may be improve with dilouges.

Not every time some time if we lose trust relationship may get spoiled even after the discussion it all depends .

It needs a perfect understanding to make things more trustworthy. Once you find trust missing, the relationship is as good as lost.

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