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Vyalar Ravi, another leader also made sexist comments on a reporter who asked a question in the matter.

but he apologized yesterday for his comments ;)
He know it well, present time is not good for Congress leaders :woohoo: :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
A former judge has attempted to tone down the involvement of a Kerala politician belonging to the ruling party saying that the suranelli rape case is really not a rape but using a girl for child porn. The views are obviously perverse. Tape or child porn- both are bad enough and the concerned politician needs be removed from his current position and prosecuted. :evil: :evil:

If the lawyers and judges take such a biased view what can be expected? No wonder that politicians get away with rape and murder except when things are so evident that they cannot be hidden.....

India is all about contradictions and double standards so I am not really surprised in this case too. How can child prostitution be different than rape? And if a minor girl is involved the consequences of her being pushed into the prostitution is far more damaging and horrifying than on an adult woman! An adult woman at least knows what sex is but a little child would not even know what hit her! It is really a cruel thought and coming from a judge, it is even more horrifying and worrying for the common people. and he has the audacity to say that publicizing his remarks is "unethical and shameful" who is actually being shameful here?? :blink: :angry:

Our judges too are a reflection of our society which seems to be sinking lower by the day...on the one hand they make woman a devi and talk about reservations on the other hand they treat her worse than an animal and both are wrong.If they just left them alone to make their choices, things would be far better...

Basically we are hypocrites of the nth order.We are dual tongued. We say something and do another. And from this point all other evils arose and they continue to arise.

Very true and our politicians have mastered the game of double talk.I feel that there is no need for any special treatment for women as long as they are treated at par. This has to come from grass root levels where a mothers name also gets mentioned in all forms.As of now it s only the fathers name that carries any weight.

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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