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Every person has his own thinking and potential so to compare our self with others or comparing two people is not good. :blink:
Of course that is the most foolish thing to do and a sure way of making oneself unhappy ! One cannot compare even members within your own family, one's own children too are different with different personality traits and needs...

This is more true in the case of children. Comparison does an irreparable damage to the child's development.

Thats true, with regard to children anyway it is bad, even adults hate being compared to others and it is just not right to do so...But many people tend to do it anyway !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Most of the parents compare their kids with others. It should not be practised. No one can play your role better than you.

Born to express, not to impress.
I totally agree with this.

I don't like to compare one person to other.Because each person is different from other.

Be positive
I totally agree with this.

I don't like to compare one person to other.Because each person is different from other.

Well Said Vaishanvi. Every human being is unique. Comparison makes many people feel inferiority complex and few superiority complex as well. Both are not good.

Born to express, not to impress.
We can't compare unless some situations in life are alike but still it just give dissatisfaction and gap between them. Every we can't compare between siblings as they differ in attitude. Parents often do this and end up breaking good relation.
Even if we compare that makes no difference, after all we have to live our life our own way.

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It is very true real life quote. Thanks for sharing it Rambabu.
Even if we know about their ideas their goals and circumstances may be all together different from ours.

You are made to accomplish a mission of your own which doesn't match with that of any other

Some times it does but even then being a human we have to look different from others because we have a brain to think for our ownself.

When you realize that you have been assigned a mission of your own , naturally you show that uniqueness in every aspect of your activity.
Yes it is true.
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