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That's true we must end searching as that would make us our mind stagnant we must try to learn new things and for that we must continue searching mew things from others. :)

Search for knowledge is a Saga that goes on and on.
Life is changing. Similarly, knowledge is also changing.
what we see today were just in fiction books before 25 or 50 years...
we need to know the latest to move in the same pace with this advancing world

Meera sandhu
Life is changing. Similarly, knowledge is also changing.
what we see today were just in fiction books before 25 or 50 years...
we need to know the latest to move in the same pace with this advancing world

In this advance generation, we need to very quick and we have to brush up with new and important knowledge to more forward.

Want to make each day Accountable

Life is changing. Similarly, knowledge is also changing.
what we see today were just in fiction books before 25 or 50 years...
we need to know the latest to move in the same pace with this advancing world

In this advance generation, we need to very quick and we have to brush up with new and important knowledge to more forward.

you are from IT field. you know it well more than anyone :cheer: :cheer:

Meera sandhu
Life is changing. Similarly, knowledge is also changing.
what we see today were just in fiction books before 25 or 50 years...
we need to know the latest to move in the same pace with this advancing world

Knowledge is keeping a track of changing trends
Life is changing. Similarly, knowledge is also changing.
what we see today were just in fiction books before 25 or 50 years...
we need to know the latest to move in the same pace with this advancing world

In this advance generation, we need to very quick and we have to brush up with new and important knowledge to more forward.

you are from IT field. you know it well more than anyone :cheer: :cheer:

Yes, in IT, updation plays an important role.

Want to make each day Accountable

yes, till end of life man keeps learning something new.
the day he stops it, he leaves the world.

But many of us stop the search after getting a Job

don't worry, am not in the group.
That's the reason why I studied MBA from IGNOU after completing MCA from college. They are just extreme poles.....yet, i love to study something new :P
now also, am studying a lot writing articles here :cheer:

Learning starts with cradle and ends at the graveyard
Quest for knowledge is eternal . It never ends

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Every day every minute is a lesson to us. When we stooped learning some one will cross us.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Life is changing. Similarly, knowledge is also changing.
what we see today were just in fiction books before 25 or 50 years...
we need to know the latest to move in the same pace with this advancing world

In this advance generation, we need to very quick and we have to brush up with new and important knowledge to more forward.

you are from IT field. you know it well more than anyone :cheer: :cheer:

Yes, in IT, updation plays an important role.

Every where updation plays a key role. A non- updated man will be an odd man out.
Life is changing. Similarly, knowledge is also changing.
what we see today were just in fiction books before 25 or 50 years...
we need to know the latest to move in the same pace with this advancing world

In this advance generation, we need to very quick and we have to brush up with new and important knowledge to more forward.

you are from IT field. you know it well more than anyone :cheer: :cheer:

Yes, in IT, updation plays an important role.

But Ronark, I did my final project in J2EE in 2004. Now also things didn't change much in the case of IT....Java, Applets etc :silly:
May be because it's network oriented and platform independent.
so, those things that can forecast future demands and include them also, stays alive a little time more :whistle: :whistle:

Meera sandhu
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