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Yes people exist in the society who does not care what other says and even do not agree or listen to what other wants to say. They think they are great. I agree with you Sunil

As long as one is sure of his wisdom, there is no necessity of listening others. For example if you say, "I does not know" and if i correct it as "I do not know", am I criticizing you for no reason.?
The person who is criticized should introspect and question himself if his critique is correct. If he is correct, thank him . If you are correct, you can always say your point of view..
Remember, for nothing people will criticize others.
But they does not think other ways as there may be sometime other people may act against them the way he/she is behaving right now. Then what will be their reaction?

Reacts very positively. Such persons magnanimously admit their mistakes. They are not dogmatic. If some one points out a mistake in me and can come up with a valid reason , i'll bow down before them.
I don't criticize people though I tell them when they do something wrong without caring about the consequences similar is with me I do take criticism seriously and try to improve myself if I find it suitable otherwise I don't care for it. :)
I don't criticize people though I tell them when they do something wrong without caring about the consequences similar is with me I do take criticism seriously and try to improve myself if I find it suitable otherwise I don't care for it. :)

That's the right attitude. When you know mistake is with you, you said you correct yourself. otherwise you will not care the critique. Kudos.That's the right attitude.
Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
I don't criticize people though I tell them when they do something wrong without caring about the consequences similar is with me I do take criticism seriously and try to improve myself if I find it suitable otherwise I don't care for it. :)

SJ- How do you tell them about their mistakes? With folded hands taking all blame on yourself.?? ;)

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many people have got the habit of criticizing other people may be about their hair style or dress or something else.
I am of the view why we one should criticize other simply for no reason at all?
Think first yourself how perfect you are in your life? Keep in mind each and every person in this world have some or other defects in them, which as human being we cannot see ourself but other can see them.
What if your fault or defect other people brings to you notice?
So keep in mind to keep yourself in the mirror before criticizing other people

Correct criticism helps persons improving themselves. But Never criticise anybody or anything before you get the full details about.

Born to express, not to impress.
Some people criticize others for hurting the people. This is worst kind of nature which no one should have

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Some people criticize others for hurting the people. This is worst kind of nature which no one should have

This criticism should be avoided. Before start criticising anybody, one should make self analsysis whether he/she is eligible to criticise.

Born to express, not to impress.
I don't criticize people though I tell them when they do something wrong without caring about the consequences similar is with me I do take criticism seriously and try to improve myself if I find it suitable otherwise I don't care for it. :)

SJ- How do you tell them about their mistakes? With folded hands taking all blame on yourself.?? ;)

Why to blame myself for their mistakes? :laugh:

I just tell them about their mistakes and to accept them is their wish. :laugh:
I don't criticize people though I tell them when they do something wrong without caring about the consequences similar is with me I do take criticism seriously and try to improve myself if I find it suitable otherwise I don't care for it. :)

SJ- How do you tell them about their mistakes? With folded hands taking all blame on yourself.?? ;)

Why to blame myself for their mistakes? :laugh:

I just tell them about their mistakes and to accept them is their wish. :laugh:

Sanjeev we can criticize him in a kind manner (informing their mistakes). But most of them wont accept with grace and appreciation.
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