many people have got the habit of criticizing other people may be about their hair style or dress or something else.
I am of the view why we one should criticize other simply for no reason at all?
Think first yourself how perfect you are in your life? Keep in mind each and every person in this world have some or other defects in them, which as human being we cannot see ourself but other can see them.
What if your fault or defect other people brings to you notice?
So keep in mind to keep yourself in the mirror before criticizing other people
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Yes, people criticize other people. some people keeps their work as critizing others

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Some people think they are bigger than life, better than others and none other exists. They always behave in a sarcastic way.

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I don't criticize others. I look at them and see the style and fashion. I give a second look because they look nice in their attire. I think that if I try then I try then I can also gave myself a good look. I work on myself more.
When some people has achieved something in their life very easily then they feel that there is nothing for them to achieve anymore and they start criticizer the people who are struggle with a lot of hard work

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

many people have got the habit of criticizing other people may be about their hair style or dress or something else.
I am of the view why we one should criticize other simply for no reason at all?
Think first yourself how perfect you are in your life? Keep in mind each and every person in this world have some or other defects in them, which as human being we cannot see ourself but other can see them.
What if your fault or defect other people brings to you notice?
So keep in mind to keep yourself in the mirror before criticizing other people

I don't think its wrong. I see it as a good gesture of a good friend or well wisher to printout a mistake or a lapse. You should have that courage to accept the truth and take it in good spirit. There is a big difference between criticizing and 'Correction.'
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
Genuine purposeful criticism is almost welcome. This paves way for improvement. But unnecessary criticism of some body just for different style or habits is useless. This arises mostly out of jealousy and inferiority complex.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Genuine purposeful criticism is almost welcome. This paves way for improvement. But unnecessary criticism of some body just for different style or habits is useless. This arises mostly out of jealousy and inferiority complex.

If I'm crticised, i should ask myself if the criticism is genuine. If the criticism is right, accept and thank the critique for he has corrected you. If you feel your critique is wrong, you can always make your point clear. But in no condition. criticism should be taken to heart and lead to enmity.
many people have got the habit of criticizing other people may be about their hair style or dress or something else.
I am of the view why we one should criticize other simply for no reason at all?
Think first yourself how perfect you are in your life? Keep in mind each and every person in this world have some or other defects in them, which as human being we cannot see ourself but other can see them.
What if your fault or defect other people brings to you notice?
So keep in mind to keep yourself in the mirror before criticizing other people

You are right many of us will make this mistake before criticizing we must see what we was.

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It is very bad habit of criticizing other people.As we criticize other same way they may also criticize us.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Genuine purposeful criticism is almost welcome. This paves way for improvement. But unnecessary criticism of some body just for different style or habits is useless. This arises mostly out of jealousy and inferiority complex.

yes, positive criticisms are always warm welcome.
very often, to distract people from their normal work, jealous people do attempt to use such cheap strategies. :evil:
It's better not to notice them and continue work as usual. when they feel, such distractions are not affecting us, slowly they will withdraw.

just ask ourselves, is it right or wrong, because we know ourselves better than others. :)

Meera sandhu
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