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Parents love both of them as the both are their genes.

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My parents love both their grand children more than their children....also cares them most....I feel so

Meera sandhu
My parents love both their grand children more than their children....also cares them most....I feel so

Many parents do this as they are their future generation.

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i think parents love children most as they are small and not grown up.they need proper care.and grand children need less care.they are grown up they knows what is right or wrong and can take care of themselves.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Parents always love their children most but they cannot show it as they can express it with grand children. Therefore, it may sound and look like they love more to grands but in fact none can replace their own children, they only see their own child in their grand child. He/she reminds them of her/him. I can put my grand son's picture here freely but not that of daughter's.

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Parents always love their children most but they cannot show it as they can express it with grand children. Therefore, it may sound and look like they love more to grands but in fact none can replace their own children, they only see their own child in their grand child. He/she reminds them of her/him. I can put my grand son's picture here freely but not that of daughter's.

Nice and true explanation.We can not feel it and see and thought that they love grand children most.
Grand children love most as they are like toys for the parents to time pass

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It's true....old parents love their grand children because they see their kids' faces in them. Isn't it?

Meera sandhu
yes, exactly, though the parents be much strict towards their children but grand parents cannot be harsh at all

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I am amazed to note that OLD parents do not love their children but only grand children. That means children must be feeling neglected and as if they are of no use. I love them as equals and would prefer my own daughter any day.

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