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I am not jocking .In our side old saree are purchased by many garages to wash cars.

Article is about taking old saris instead of throwing them away and cut from it, good designs and pallu. Then, you can use them to design new saris.......It earns a lot. Now, it has become a good business for women who love to work at home.
Some months before, I read an article, suvh sarees can cost more than 25,000 rupees.
ie. Sari from waste

Meera sandhu
yes, sandhya is absolutely correct. By working on saree we can earn alot.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is a good job,and hence earning can be done in this sort of business.

Want to make each day Accountable

very good piece of information shared here... :)

I heard some where in delhi, they using the old sari to make bed-sheet named "RAJAAI". I dont know this name is correct are not.. :unsure: :dry: :huh:

'Rajai' is quilt. This covers and warms you while sleeping. This is like blanket but is filled with cotton. However, sari may be used as Rajai cover.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Wow this is the nice information so sarees also joined in the group of recycle company.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Business can be done from any product,and Sari can become a good business product.

Want to make each day Accountable

It is good if it is true sine recycling of every possible thing should be done
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