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in tamil there is a quote that "aal paadhi aadai paadhi" which means "personality 50% and dress 50%".hope they are following that,by wearing 50% dress.
in tamil there is a quote that "aal paadhi aadai paadhi" which means "personality 50% and dress 50%".hope they are following that,by wearing 50% dress.

Rightly,said Ramprasanna.

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Ramprasanna said correct that personality depends upon dress also.
Many people believe that personality entirely depends on dress. But its really not. Dressing properly also adds to the personality.
Your knowledge is looked first,its the first priority. Later,if your look and personality is also good then that adds the advantage.

Want to make each day Accountable

This is get common now a days the girls are wearing less dress to attract their bosses for benefits.

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Many people believe that personality entirely depends on dress. But its really not. Dressing properly also adds to the personality.

Arun, you are right, personality does not entirely depend on dressing but dressing forms the major part of your personality and untill and unless you share your views with people or talk to them, they will judge you by your looks to a great extent.
yes, what ever vidi said every word is absolutelu correct.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes Vidhi you are right. Some people never talk to others. For those people dress really matters.
[quote]Many people believe that personality entirely depends on dress. But its really not. Dressing properly also adds to the personality.

Arun, you are right, personality does not entirely depend on dressing but dressing forms the major part of your personality and untill and unless you share your views with people or talk to them, they will judge you by your looks to a great extent.[/quote]

Yes it is 100% correct.
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