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Anna is also doing to get support where hes team members are corrupted.
He should understand that corruption can not be removed by any one person.It is the fault of system.We all should change the system first.
If one think that I will not do any illegal thing,ok but when he will be in problem then he forgets everything about morality and support the corruption by giving some tips to complete the work.
You will not get the the chance to admit your neighbors in hospital if you don't give some extra.If you don't give tips your official work will not completed,it will be delayed,you will not get pension after hard work.You will be unable to admit your child in school if you don't give donation.Even many school is taking donation openly.So from birth to dead you have to pay some thing.
This my my practical experience.

Anna is a man of good wishes and sentiments. But these are of no help. They believe or say that everybody in government is corrupt and everyone outside government suffers. This is a very wrong and superficial analysis of what corruption is and why this gets support. Also he says that he will lose deposit in an election if he contests because voters can be bribed. All this shows that team anna is a confused team.

Corruption benefits many. That is shy this is not removed. secondly, there are no water tight compartment of government employees (corrupt) and private citizens (honest). A government employee is an employee only in a particular chair and at other places he is also a citizen and pays bribe. To elucidate, a corrupt employee in Trade Tax gets bribe but he has also to pay in other organizations like R.T.O., schools, hospital etc.

On the whole corruption helps the super rich, middle classes, politicians, bureaucrats. The rich get the commodities and services at higher cost by paying bribe or premium whereas the poor are deprived of genuine facilities. Hence, if corruption is to be fought, the poor industrial workers, agricultural workers and other deprived classes only are to be involved. anna team involves the urban middle classes and NGOs who are beneficiary of corruption. This is like gathering of crocodiles agitating for vegetarianism.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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