It is a matter of concern that Anna Hazare, social activist and crusader for Lok Pal Bill is seriously sick. we hope for his speedy recovery.

But we fail to understand why all activities of his team are suspended. It goes without saying that any movement that depends entirely or mainly on one individual is bound to fail. are Kejriwal, Kiran Bedi etc. totally useless and helpless without Anna?

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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I also hope his recovery soon.All others have no brand so the all movement depends upon Anna only.
It is to be seen how any movement that depends only on one individual can sustain. anna is compared to Gandhi. But Gandhi's organization namely Indian national congress was not so poor, so helpless, so fragile and so meaningless as team anna.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Now there are clear signs of team anna and the movement going in wilderness. Kejriwal has accepted that the team has no idea how to move ahead. They have asked for opinion of people.

We can only advise them to abide by constitution and law and act as responsible citizens, not indulge in vandalism, blackmail and threat of indefinite fast etc.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The activities of team anna often go against rule of law and can be characterized as vandalism. Moreover,they have an exaggerated notion of superiority and they consider themselves as spokesperson of all people.

There is demand for prosecuting them for criminal offences.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Unfortunately, team anna is in soup. This team is most reckless, anarchic, unconstitutional. There is confrontation between this team and whole parliament.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I find some unanimity among all political parties in launching a blistering attack on Anna led by Sushma Swaraj in Parliament yesterday who was known to favor Reddy brothers in Karnataka but weeping for Anna and his cause the other day - true color shows up now! But yesterday itself was another bad day for the government. The retiring army chief made a sensational allegation and Sushma Swaraj is up again on this issue!! Ha ha!
The team anna is wholly anarchist. They do not believe in any constitutional body and will demolish entire parliament and other bodies.

However anarchist tendency is double edged weapon. Team anna also now suffers from anarchy in its own rank. The seeds of destruction are contained in anarchism. Those who wish to demolish all institutions cannot obviously themselves remain intact. No surprise, they now face disunity and indiscipline in own ranks.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There are some forces who are out to destroy the movement. This is not unusual, when people try to expose corruption the concerned parties always try to sabotage it.

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There are some forces who are out to destroy the movement. This is not unusual, when people try to expose corruption the concerned parties always try to sabotage it.

Nobody needs do anything to destroy this anarchist movement that consists of frustrated and undisciplined persons. The anarchists wish to destroy all constitutional institutions. No wonder, they cannot maintain theirown organization intact.

Recently Anna said that if he contests election he will lose deposit as voters may be bribed. This is funniest statement ever made. How does he hope to remove corruption when voters are corrupt. His statement has been well refuted by saner organizations.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Anna is also doing to get support where hes team members are corrupted.
He should understand that corruption can not be removed by any one person.It is the fault of system.We all should change the system first.
If one think that I will not do any illegal thing,ok but when he will be in problem then he forgets everything about morality and support the corruption by giving some tips to complete the work.
You will not get the the chance to admit your neighbors in hospital if you don't give some extra.If you don't give tips your official work will not completed,it will be delayed,you will not get pension after hard work.You will be unable to admit your child in school if you don't give donation.Even many school is taking donation openly.So from birth to dead you have to pay some thing.
This my my practical experience.
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