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Yes,Yawning comes when you body is not getting sufficient oxygen and your body need more,so when yawning comes you inhale more air,from atmosphere.
But,its not correct,that when you feel sleepy at time only.we yawn.
My personal experience,is,Every time,when i start to study,i yawn couple of times or for me its kind of habit or the proper word could be allergy is there to me.

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@ sarala

Please correct the spelling of yarning to yawning so that all will understand.

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thank you kalyani for correcting my mistake. i heard once when my teacher spoke to some one saying yarning. so i felt it sounding of it.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Even we feel yawing when we are hunger also. can any one tell me why it happens in this condition

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala go to this link.I think you will get answer for this.

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yawning is because of lack of oxygen is what I have read when in school but as Rajni said there cannot be any particular reason. When you get bored then also you yawn!! s , information to a certain extent can be gathered from this link
My is cleared very clearly, thank you vidhimayur for clarifying it

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

What is actually the meaning of yarming form can you explain this for better response.
Oh vidhi you got a good link i think this information helps us to know about yarning

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