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14 years ago
yeah i think he wants that govt would serve for him and now he got the service.
14 years ago
In today's world,life has become miserable to those who are poor,in turn they prefer jail rather being outside as they get sufficient food,shelter and clothes for free.
Pradeep you are right, when people get all the facilities in jail then they would prefer to stay in jails
Pradeep you are right, when people get all the facilities in jail then they would prefer to stay in jails
14 years ago
I agree that jail sentence has facilities and completely go with Gulshan ji statement that reformation is excepted by giving work. However, a prison should decide whether they are happy with their present life in jail or outside world where they have freedom, relations and people who only think about them. Some people do not have anything outside jail they may think jail as there home any try to stay there for years by commiting more crimes. :( Sad think is that they intentionally do crime for staying in jail.
One can not completely forget the fact that jail life is not a bed of roses as there are many cases where prisoners are tortured with highlighting that they are trying to escape inspite of there good behaviour. Even one can not forget how the Abu dhabi jail treated prisons by raping them and beating them nakedly. I think most people have seen the photos too. These inhuman acts can be done to any one and one can not think who may be the target.
It is really very sad thing to know that one dollar made the guy to rob a bank. :blink:
One can not completely forget the fact that jail life is not a bed of roses as there are many cases where prisoners are tortured with highlighting that they are trying to escape inspite of there good behaviour. Even one can not forget how the Abu dhabi jail treated prisons by raping them and beating them nakedly. I think most people have seen the photos too. These inhuman acts can be done to any one and one can not think who may be the target.
It is really very sad thing to know that one dollar made the guy to rob a bank. :blink:
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