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Defense minister is a man of high integrity and there is no way one could doubt about his integrity toward defense preparedness.

Integrity is not needed here. He has to have the relevant field level knowledge which he lacks.


I do not think so, there are officers and secretaries which did the job and the minister's job is to find out whether all policy decisions are on right path or not, and that is where integrity matters. He has experience in administration and every department needs such experience. You have said integrity is a different proposition in earlier thread and want action but all these comes from a leader who has determination and courage to take action.

I stick to the my point. Remember that administration is just half job done. In this respect I support Mr. G. Singh who worked as a soldier in the actual field conditions.


I did not agree with Mr. MG Singh's point of view, in this era of conflict face to face battle which he describes does not hold good, it is time of proxy war and what Pakistan has been doing India could have done better but due to political limitations not able to perform this and with this new government, giving freedom to armed forces and it is showing as Pak's army chief also shows proof of India is acting in ghost manner in some of areas of Pakistan in order to destabilize it, as MG Singh talked about face to face forward movement war, that was thing of past, only armed forces have to be given their due power and this is what integrity to responsibility I think, suprised to find so much negativity to a soldier's view, as about one rank one pension scheme this would be done and it is work in progress himself PM said so why so much hurry, 40 years gone by just wait for few months,

Its a different issue. You can have your own opinion.


I am not talking to you, I have written in response to MG singh, and it is not different issues, as starter of this thread, I know what this thread about, you better read about it, and do not interfere when reference given to others. This is on topic and please kindly do move away from discussion and this thread is not about integrity of defense minister, as you are moving away from the thread topic.

I am also not talking with you. In a forum members are free to express their opinions to any body.


What is yours opinion on this subject or just keep writing those absurd and repetitive sentences in order garner points.

@ Mohan.

This is a damaging statement. Whether the post is absurd or not or whether the post is for points or not, you are not the one to decide. Remember there are Moderators for doing this job. Be careful on your words.

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