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13 years ago
yeah. Unless and until practical classes are increased and practical oriented syllabus is framed, it is very difficult to increase our education standard. Results should not be based on theory ie exams, equal weightage has to be given for practicals as well. A student's practical knowledge has to be tested.
13 years ago
I think the same; let us come out the Mekale system of education and plan some thing of our own. Although we are progressing in many fields but if you see the real ground realities, you will be shocked to see what students can do to get a degree or up to what an extent they can go to cheat the system...
No way, we must do some thing to get further down the hill before this is totally out of our hands.
No way, we must do some thing to get further down the hill before this is totally out of our hands.
13 years ago
So it is obvious enough from the views expressed by all that our educational system has some inherent deficiencies which are creating some anomalies with consequent pressures on all who are part of it. A student is as much hassled as his parents for no fault of their own. India is a very big country with its peculiar needs which require urgent and immediate attention. First we have to re-orient our direction to the practical needs of the vast majority. Vocational training institutes must come up in all parts of the country to provide practical training in different branches which hold tremendous employment potential.For the genuinely meritorious wherever they are identified and located, avenues should be created so that their talents flourish to the best gains of the country. Sub-standard private engineering,management and medical colleges should come under strict official scrutiny. These charge exorbitant fees and fleece parents and students and in return these offer substandard education which contribute nothing towards career advancement!
13 years ago
Yeah and the parents must let the students to gain stress less education. As soon as the students enter 9th they are asked to skip everything, ie playing games, watching television, etc. They want their children to be book worms and just to earn good marks. They must realize that only good marks doesn't help, if their children has a good knowledge about the subject even if he doesn't score well, he will have a bright future and a successful career.
13 years ago
Yeah and the parents must let the students to gain stress less education. As soon as the students enter 9th they are asked to skip everything, ie playing games, watching television, etc. They want their children to be book worms and just to earn good marks. They must realize that only good marks doesn't help, if their children has a good knowledge about the subject even if he doesn't score well, he will have a bright future and a successful career.
Yes, I have quoted earlier also.....Fully concentrating in books only will never be a benefit to kids in long term. So, they want some kind of rest and recreational activities. Then only their brain can attain strength to learn more things. So, never switch off cables when your kids reach class 10th or 12th :)
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
To my humble understanding of the problem existing in the field of education, we need to think in radical terms. As a first step we need to de-brand education.A motley group of businessmen have taken over this role of promoting 'brand' and liberally showering money at the feet of those of governmental authorities to get permission to set up private institutions to 'sell' education! A cursory glance at their activities show that they do not care for quality, don't ensure acceptable lab facilities yet charge whopping fees, fill their pockets with filty lucre and go scot-free! The government must come down heavily on them!
13 years ago
To my humble understanding of the problem existing in the field of education, we need to think in radical terms. As a first step we need to de-brand education.A motley group of businessmen have taken over this role of promoting 'brand' and liberally showering money at the feet of those of governmental authorities to get permission to set up private institutions to 'sell' education! A cursory glance at their activities show that they do not care for quality, don't ensure acceptable lab facilities yet charge whopping fees, fill their pockets with filty lucre and go scot-free! The government must come down heavily on them!
You are right Ceeem.But this education business came in recent past - about ten or fifteen years back.This was because of a the system introduction by the central government namely DPEP.It was followed by SSA and now comes another one.Common people thought that this is not a good practice and they changed the school of their child.This situation was correctly exploited by some business men.
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13 years ago
Who else know it better than me about what Abid told...DPEP!!!!
100% correct!!!
Actually implementation of DPEP in Kerala syllabus made parents re-think about the syllabus of the state. It paved the way to more CBSE schools in Kerala. It's a truth.
Can you tell a little more about DPEP?
I think, according to it, students should never take books to study in primary classes.....only practical knowledge...ha ha
100% correct!!!
Actually implementation of DPEP in Kerala syllabus made parents re-think about the syllabus of the state. It paved the way to more CBSE schools in Kerala. It's a truth.
Can you tell a little more about DPEP?
I think, according to it, students should never take books to study in primary classes.....only practical knowledge...ha ha
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
The ultimate result is that in eigth standard two types of students reached.
Some have a lot of practical experience , but not able to read or write well.The others can read and write well , but have no common sense! Really the teachers were not able to adjust them both.
Still I think that the CBSE and ICSE syllubus children comes out with high marks.But most of them have no sense how to behave , how to act in a situation etc.Local school children are better educated to be a human.
Some have a lot of practical experience , but not able to read or write well.The others can read and write well , but have no common sense! Really the teachers were not able to adjust them both.
Still I think that the CBSE and ICSE syllubus children comes out with high marks.But most of them have no sense how to behave , how to act in a situation etc.Local school children are better educated to be a human.
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13 years ago
Who else know it better than me about what Abid told...DPEP!!!!
100% correct!!!
Actually implementation of DPEP in Kerala syllabus made parents re-think about the syllabus of the state. It paved the way to more CBSE schools in Kerala. It's a truth.
Can you tell a little more about DPEP?
I think, according to it, students should never take books to study in primary classes.....only practical knowledge...ha ha
DPEP means District Primary Education Programme.Children learns through activities rather than taught by the teacher.So teacher also have to be well planned with some activities related to the topic of study.Children will easily catch the topic as it is taught in a dramatic way or through a life experience.(Sandhya,Some expanded this as Dansum Pattum Echchiri Pranthum )
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