Articles [General Reference]

  In America, there lived a miserly and selfish family. The family was so miser that they used to refrigerate and eat the stale food for a week but never used to feed a poor. After some time, they were blessed with a child. The child was having...

                      Stress is a part of life. Every individual has stress on his mind. It is not necessary that only those people who work outside have stress but housewives also lead a stressful life. Everyone wants to lead a stress free life....

  I have been blogging in my mother tongue Malayalam since August 2006. Through years of blogging I had got lot of friends all over my state Kerala as well as outside Kerala. One fine morning I received a mail from one of my fellow bloggers. It...

  BASIC INTRODUCTION ABOUT KNITTING FABRICS Generally knitting fabric will be done by knitting machine. There are three basic types of fabrics. They are as follows. Types of Knitting Fabrics...

Introduction: India is country having a lot of diversities. People from south to north and west to east have different customs , dressings , religion and language. But they have unity in all these diversity that I am an Indian. This is the bond...

  I met a unique intelligent and knoledgable person  A few days back,  I happened to meet a very intelligent and knowledgeable person.  He is postgraduate in English literature and has very good general knowledge.  He is also a very learned...

Festival of lights and sound Diwali is celebrated to express joy on return of Rama from exile.  This view is supported by the practice of its occurance twenty days after Dussehra- the day of citory of Rama over Ravana, the king of Lanka. To...

Being a new mom brings so much joys and happiness in your life . You are thrilled to hold your little one in your arms .You are eager to for the baby to grow up !! But along with the joy and excitement of new baby there comes lots of stressful...

Our life is full of worries and problems. But the interesting thing is that most of these problems are cooked by us. We have made ourselves habitual of leading a dramatic life. The height of human tendency is that despite of having our own life...

Internet is a huge market and growing faster to let you shop every item you want to buy. Internet is preferable shopping window as one gets innumerable display for the item you want to buy. Thats what we called as E commerce from where one can buy...

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