Articles [General Reference]

Raj, a 5th class student studying in one of the schools in a small town of Bihar. He had a habit of listening to bed time stories from his father. His father serves in police and he regaled Raj with the tales of his encounter with robberers,...

  English is a global language today. You can oppose it as much as you want. You can claim to be a strong nationalist and so you find it justified to oppose English as it was the language of our rulers. But if you conduct a practicality check on...

  An optimist or pessimist who are you? An optimist is the one who finds ray of hope even in darkest hour of life. While a pessimist is the one who can find faults with the situation that would be perfectly okay for others. So what kind of...

Kitchen is the most sacred place of the house where food is cooked for everyone in the family yet it is the most ignored corner of the house. It is the place where lies the source of energy of the entire house. cooking and managing your kitchen is...

There is no one in life who will have a smooth ride and will never encounter a situation where he would need to be strong enough to come out of the darkness that has clouded his life or life of someone near and dear to him. Generally till the...

Generally when we do mistakes we try to escape from it what we call escape mechanisms. But strictly speaking it is not escape mechanism.I would like to call it as defence mechanism. I would say escape mechanism as one of the defence...

! Good bye 2011, Welcome 2012     Dreams in eyes, something might be true but many may be invisible. Lot of hopes in heart for future. Whatever achieved are credit. What’s we don’t get, try again to achieve. Thus time passes. Sun rises and...

  Why do we need old-age homes? Are we treading too fast on modernity that our age old values are eroding much faster than we can imagine. Today world is evolving fast and with every new sunrise there is this new techonology invented that claims...

    Violence among Kids It’s not only Mumbai’s underworld that’s fighting gang wars and running extortion rackets: but nowadays it’s also happening in some of the best schools in the country. Few years ago I read in a newspaper that,...

Parenthood is probably the most satisfying experience in an individual's life. It brings, joy, happiness, and love that is truly unconditional. All parents want the best for their child in terms of education, growth, comfort. The best possible...

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