Articles [General Reference]

  Judicial Sloth Defeating the Goal of Justice   The judiciary is facing one of the worst crises in its history . Dispensation of justice is somewhat mired in ordinate delay and sloth and has reached such a point that the people of this country...

  There are some misconceptions that float around regarding group discussions...These are related to an actual group discussion conducted as per the manner. You may have to face this types of group discussions when you are attending an interview...

Why should we know about the Group Discussion? We have to think about or objective or goal in the life. Once you clearly define your long term and short term goals,you become goal oriented. Thereafter,all your efforts will lead you to your...

The invention of the radio by Marconi is a wonderful achievement of science. It is one of the most popular and most useful media of entertainment and information. It is used by all sorts of people- the young and the old, the men and the women, the...

My countries, all are my brothers and sisters, we are in one unity. We are against fight on terrorism Patriotism means love for one’s mother land. Patriotism has been defined as a man’s love for his country. It is one of the noblest sentiments,...

  Why the Tribals Are Up in Arms?   The tribal people whom we also call as adivasis are in the news almost with unfailing regularity in recent months. They are angry and frustrated at their lot in free India. They have been deceived by the...

Hi friends, here, in this article let me discuss about the True India, which each and every Indian is dreaming of. But practically speaking this is still a dream as there are many hindrances and obstacle for the development of the country. This is...

I always think is  Religion Created by God Then I got following answers from my heart. 1. When child born he do not know he is in which caste he only know i am hungry and need milk but he know his caste when he reach on at least 4 year then we...

AJMER Ajmer has been home to many dynasties that have come and left leaving marks of their culture and tradition on the city. Since the time of Raja Ajay Pal Chauhan, who had founded Ajmer, it has been an amalgam or blend of Hinduism and...

  Dasarath-the Good Samaritan   In our lives we meet a certain class of people who are not related to you and who ar not even known to you but they suddenly appear in the scene from nowhere to lend their helping hands when you are all of a...

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