Articles [General Reference]

You all must have heard the famous proverb “Make Hay While The Sun Shines”. The expression, though dating back to many decades, even centuries, is still in popular usage today.     It means to do something while the circumstances are still...

  All about Google   Google has become a part of our daily life particularly for internet users and and indispensable too to conduct effective search of the thing you desire and ever since it was born which is a little more than 10 years, it is...

During my high school days I was a member of boys scout. Actually my father was the brain behind my entry into scout. He advised me to participate in social projects and to be in front of social welfare activities. On that days NCC (National Cadet...

Communication is t he process of establishing connection or link between two points for information exchange.Communication is simply the process of conveying message at a distance or communication is  the basic process of exchanging...

  Online Lottery A Menace?   We never seem to be short of problems. We live in a society which has been blessed by discoveries and inventions of science and technology. New discoveries have empowered us and forced us into abandoning some of our...

Hi friends in this article let us discuss about the aftermath of the Mumbai terror attack, which happened 1 year back, on 26/11, 2009.That was a very bad day in the Indian history, but on the other hand, that was the day, when people of India show...

Since some days every body is talking what will happen in 2012? WILL Really earth will destroy and we all will die? some people are saying that in Maya calender there is no date after 21 december 2012 that means Earth is going to be end but after...

Hi friends in this article let us discuss about a very different topic and I guess it will be a very interesting topic indeed. This can be seen very common in all houses and a matter of fact, I guess, while reading this article, you will also be...

As they went on down the road to Jerusalem, Jesus was walking at the head of a great crowd, and he passed through the town of Jericho.just on the outskirts of the town, as they were leaving, they came upon a blind beggar named Bartimaeus who was...

Hi friends this time we will see a very emotional topic and it is regarding the 26/11 attacks and it has been 1 year since that cruel attack took place and it is very difficult to erase those memories from our heart. As a matter of fact I had no...

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