I always think is Religion Created by God Then I got following answers from my heart.
1. When child born he do not know he is in which caste he only know i am hungry and need milk but he know his caste when he reach
on at least 4 year then we teach you are hindu or muslim or sikh or isai.
2. When there was only two people on the earth there was no meaning of caste this time lot of people is there and they defined his caste.
3. All books show caste of people and also we can know which God belongs to which caste but every book also defined that God is one so what meaning of caste.
4. Each religion has God like Hindu has Ram, Muslim has Allah etc and in different God's Name in each religion.
5. So conclusion is God is related to religion but religion is not created by God its created by people self.
6. So fighting on Religion is totally Fool things.
7. People defined his ways of fight self.
8. People think God will happy on fighting for religion but God smile on our foolish activity.
Some times i think why religion defined you think how world be seen without religion.