Business & Finance blogs form a dynamic intersection where entrepreneurs, investors, and financial enthusiasts converge. These blogs serve as compasses, guiding readers through the intricate landscape of commerce, money management, and economic trends.

Articles [Business & Finance]

The GDP growth rate in fiscal 2012-13 was 5% as against 9% achieved  only two years ago  In fact it has been the slowest growth rate in the past ten years of which the present government has been in power for nine years. A fall of nearly...

How you react while taking decision If you feel that you are one of those who cannot decide on a particular typical topic or cannot reach to a decision instantly like some of your coworkers can, you need to improve your decision making skills...

The inflation is pulling us back The biggest problem RBI is facing today is to keep a close watch on inflation and keep it under reasonable limit. People with slightest knowledge of money matters are well aware that investment, savings and...

Being an "entrepreneur" is not as hard as it sounds in the era of Internet. If you are in your 20s-30s and you want to be a young successful entrepreneur you do not need to go outside. You can earn from your home too. Internet has opened a lot of...

Are the less educated and less productive poor pulling India down?or are the energetic and entrepreneurial rich shoving the poor to the margins, turning them into outliers keep out of this nation's growing prosperity?...

भारत की द्वितीय सबसे बड़ी हाउसिंग कंपनी हे एल. आई .सी . हाउसिंग फाइनेंस लिमिटेड।जिसका भारत के हाउसिंग फाइनेंस उद्योग जगत में लगभग 9% हिस्सा हे।यह भारत में स्टेट बैंक ऑफ़ इंडिया , आई.सी.आई.सी.आई., और एच.डी.ऍफ़.सी. चोथी सबसे बड़ी हाउसिंग...

Inflation is a situation where demand exceeds supply resulting in prices going up. Till this mismatch is corrected the prices remain high.The variation in prices upwards or downwards depends on the rise and fall in individual commodities.When...

The Indian e-commerce industry is poised for a very healthy growth rate of CAGR 57% in 2012-16 period. This is estimated and reportred by the reputed global research firm Forrester.It is also estimated that the global ecommerce industry will reach...

FDI with an expert’s eye Have you heard about the story of an elephant, which reached to a village where no one had ever heard or seen an elephant before and they had not seen it because all the residents of that particular village were literarily...

A lot of online entrepreneurs struggle in their online business as they don't possess an online marketing plan to pursue. As a result, a number of people fail and get out of the Internet marketing field completely. The best way to find out...

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