Business & Finance blogs form a dynamic intersection where entrepreneurs, investors, and financial enthusiasts converge. These blogs serve as compasses, guiding readers through the intricate landscape of commerce, money management, and economic trends.

Articles [Business & Finance]

A rupee by rupee will eventually add up to good savings. Savings cannot be done overnight. It requires planning and sustained efforts. First and foremost important strategy is to commence it as soon as the thought strikes the mind without making...

Introduction We all know how valuable money is and what important role it plays in each and every one's life. Money is an element and in absence of it, everything seems almost impossible at least in today's era. Earning money itself is so...

Try something new in your routine life Don’t we all feel dull, tedious and repetitious or something lacking in variety and interest of our life at sometime or the other?  Isn’t it the same routine job, the same people, the same discussions...

Indian Growth Story in Electronics Sector  The developed world thinks that India is a backward country and you can find comments to such effect spread all over the internet.  But the fact is India is one of the largest markets of...

Startup India- Stand-up India The heading of this post may sound like a slogan but it’s all about Startups program commenced by our government for supporting the small industries and agreeing to industrial world’s recommendations provide...

The Success Story of Indian Market India started to grow in consumer sector within the last couple of decade in the last century adapting to new business policies. In the process we achieved higher growth rate, better living standard, increased...

Now a days, banks/ financial institutions are offering loans in multiple ways. To avail loan is never easy than before. Banks are offering personal loans, home loans, loans against securities etc. I have broadly classified loans into three...

Starting of a business  We all understand that starting a business needs lot of careful planning and the one who is in planning process must check various steps of while taking financial decisions and that's not the end but one has to look...

In 2000 it was reported in a UN report that the richest 1% of adults in the world  are the owners of 40% of the global wealth. The US , Europe and Japan accounted for most of the extremely wealthy  individuals. US and Japan had between...

This is the era of entrepreneurship & this the era of yours.I am sure your are on the journey of being entrepreneur because you are reading this article.I am very happy that you are working on it.I am sure you will be successful entrepreneur if...

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