Business & Finance blogs form a dynamic intersection where entrepreneurs, investors, and financial enthusiasts converge. These blogs serve as compasses, guiding readers through the intricate landscape of commerce, money management, and economic trends.

Articles [Business & Finance]

Analysts used to be the ones who had an engineering degree yet could back it up with some fundamental business learning. Presently the times are evolving. Business analysts are business individuals who represent considerable authority in...

With only one round of polling to go, the 2014 elections are coming to an end. It seems to be a foregone conclusion that there will be a change of government at the Center. This means that there will be a change in ideology. One can expect policy...

One of the reasons why India is not able to progress at a higher rate is because there is a genuine shortage of capital (finance) in the country. The type of capital which is available for investments to create jobs and expand business...

The simple definition of inflation is when demand exceeds supply and it results in prices of such items going up. They will keep going up till supply and demand do not come to a new equilibrium. There are many other factors which operate together...

Business communication is an art and all business houses take special care in interacting with managers, employees, clients, and other prospective business associates. In this context, business communication involves interaction in the form of...

Couple of years back I became member of a website which advertised that after registration, every time one opens it around up to $25 would get deposited in my account. I was surprised at this liberal payment only for visiting a site and reading a...

All about money Do you remember about the beginning of your journey for money? Most of us would think that when they earned their first wages was the point when they started it. Some of us would want to believe that when they got their first...

Brands are important We Indians use our hearts to think and not our brains when it comes to shopping therefore most big companies irrespective of their origin whether Indian or multinationals put lot of efforts making us interested in their...

How to sell products to customers is an art. But at the same time you should know that saying ‘No’ to a customer is as important for business as treating him nicely.  Do not hesitate to say it, if you must use it on rare occasions. However,...

Your worst enemy is always a man of your own trade. ” — Spanish Proverb I have had the opportunity to do some sales jobs with a publishing house that sold children’s books in volumes. I can straightaway tell you that it is not an easy task to...

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