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I have no idea of this Image sajeetharan.I hope Rajani has given right answer..

Wear specs and have a look at that picture again!


this picture is not taken from our earth. now you can guess easily
Ok thanks for the guess buddy its from Moon na.I think shown in news one year back...

No buddy you are wrong, will reveal the answer after 2 more posts!! hope some one would come with right anaswer
well Sajeetharan i think it is on mars..some pictures taken by satelliate..
Yes.. seems some volcanic craters on Mars..or meteorite craters
Here is the link..this is something weird :unsure: :unsure:
WOW!!!it is a little mermaid...I did understand do mermaids really exist?

hey every one see this n believe it its true pics of merman found in philliphenes...
The picture is not dispalying ..however it is really weird one..i saw in google images..let me share it.. :( :blink:

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