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Yes it is a tree..but lets wait for others answers too. It is some special tree..try to find out
The tree seems to have figures of birds and animals carved into the roots, trunk and branches of the tree!!

Rajani, what is the image you have posted? I just can't get it!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

You are right kalyani!!

sajeetharan wrote:
[quote]You are right kalyani!!


Sajeetharan are they sculptured ones or by default they are like that...

Kalyani the picture i haved posted is Booksrack...It was sometime unique so i posted. :)
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Mysterious Tree in Nalgonda (Andhra Pradesh)..but i think this is not's just are the some more pics..

OgAAAJl5pShq97efD64OYKkikEFvbj7mcJJBrhJy372W44bV1W3WwPMePq7ErCsS8nY6vwvSAW5GQQAKRF1PwjM66n4Am1T1UO51PAQHmLGKjOOzOYW2jW4Y_xLz.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
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OgAAAJuPYIHaPTx13cyUZ3Kd0EomeEedBj2b6RO3CTMGnyiO2G1hKYYnD056Ujz9E3j3YZmL_U__8xWNNIpzJnf7A3wAm1T1UJ4c4QNwzt5G0kWg5P5OvO093jgv.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
Few more pictures....

thanks for sharing sajeetharan.........are these images on trees are real one or they are carved.......
No idea Neetu, here is the link
thanks for the link sajeetharan............really a mysterious tree...

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Well very good share sajeetharan..

The art on the tree was awesome..Thank you for sharing :) :)
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