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Guess this one
nice scenery, coastal area
Ofcourse all these has to be fake.. surely the trees cant grow in these shapes. anyway good creativity.
The picture posted last is a 3d painting made on the road by artisans. Hope my guess is correct. Keep it up share more such images they neat.

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Jayen and natraj

both of your answers are wrong. It is nor a coastal area neither a drawing
i think a scene of nature taken from a camera
After many gueses let me reveal the answer,

scientists have been baffled by the appearance of a mysterious cave at West India Quay, London. Now the same phenomena has been spotted in Geldren, Germany . Moving away from fiction, stepping back to reality, what you see below is 3d chalk drawing created by Edgar Mueller for the International Street Painting Competition in Geldern 2009.
I think the tree is awesome but couldnt beleive that it is grown like that..

Sajeetharan and Sunny thanks for sharing.

That is very beautiful art sajee..I think JAyen has revealed it to some extent.

This picture has some effects in it..try to find out :silly:
I can seen some water background sajee...Is it true :)
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