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Group A
My name contains 8 Letters . So I increase the number by 8

385 + 8 = 393

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
From Group A...

My name contains 5 letters....

393 + 5 = 398

Come on Group A...
Group A
My name contains 8 Letters . So I increase the number by 8

398 + 8 = 406

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
From Group A...

My name contains 5 letters....

406 + 5 = 411
Group A
My name contains 8 Letters . So I increase the number by 8

411+ 8 = 319

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
HI first post

From group B

My name contain 7 letters

From Group A...

My name contains 5 letters....

404 + 5 = 409
Group A
My name contains 8 Letters . So I increase the number by 8 ..

409 + 8 = 417

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
From Group A...

My name contains 5 letters....

417 + 5 = 422

Come on Group A....
From Group A...

My name contains 5 letters....

422 + 5 = 427

Come on Group A....

B) B) B) B) B) B) B)
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